The universe has been consciously and carefully crafted by the creator with an eye not only on supreme perfection but also on aesthetics.. Conceived impeccably with amazing wisdom, the universe is a peculiar amalgam of apparent opposites – Sriram Sir
But Who Is Sriram Sir.. ???
If you ask me to answer this question in one simple line, then I would say, “Sriram Sir is Daivam Maanusha Rupena” which means “Sriram Sir is God in human form”.. PEACE
“..ఎవ్వనిచే జనించు జగమెవ్వని లోపల నుండు లీనమై.. యెవ్వని అందు డిందు పరమేశ్వరుడెవ్వడు మూలకారణం.. బెవ్వడనాది మధ్య లయుడెవ్వడు.. సర్వము తానె అయిన వాడెవ్వడు.. వాని నాత్మ భవు నీశ్వరునే శరణంబు వేడెదన్..”
As far as I know, it takes forty eight lives for a man to completely study, know, understand and assimilate the four holy Vedas..
In that case, it would take at least ten lives for us to know who Sriram Sir is; ten more lives to understand His philosophy of God, life and Nature; and another ten more lives to know how He is driving, shaping and ruling our lives.
If you are new to this site then you may feel that what all am saying now, about Sriram Sir, is just unbelievable and extremely difficult to accept.. Nothing wrong in feeling so.. May be I would have felt the same if am reading this article for the first time.
However, if you please Click Here and read an amazing true story that I have already written on Sriram Sir and His mind blowing miracles, under the title, ” An Incredible True Story Of A Miracle Man Who Is Seeing Your Tomorrow“, then you will be, just like many readers today, chasing me for at least a glimpse of Sriram Sir.
So What Is Sriram Sir.. ??
If what all I have told above tells you about the divine form of Sriram Sir, here’s what I need to tell you about the human form of Sriram Sir.. But please wait..
Although I have been following and interacting with Sriram Sir for the past sixteen years, I still consider myself a tiny tot in Sriram Sir’s school of Philosophy, therefore let me place before you what many of his followers – who are all eminent scholars, professors, scientists, doctors and famous literary personalities from all over the world – have to say about Sriram Sir’s human form.
“Officially called Dr. Sriram Gajula, Sriram Sir is an eminent spiritual scientist, philosopher, author, speaker, seer and a sage by Himself.. He is a graduate in Science, and PhD in English from Osmania University, India…
Dr. Sriram is well read and well informed by his extensive travels around the world.. He is a much-sought- after advisor and speaker globally.. His philosophical discourses and writings cover such complex and intriguing subjects as divinity in nature, smiling tears, cosmic communism, evil and freewill..”.
The 59 – year old, Dr. Sriram, is an eloquent speaker and traversed the globe speaking on various intriguing topics like “Celebration Of Life” and “Eye On I”.. As part of His global tour, Dr.Sriram conducted many workshops in many major cities of India and the world, including three workshops in the United States Of America.
While two of His workshops – namely Celebration Of Life and Eye On I – were conducted at the Silicon Valley, Santa Clara, California, one workshop was conducted in Boston.
Now, Here’s The Good News For The Readers Of America
Followers of Sriram Sir from America are conducting a workshop titled, ‘Eye On I’ on Saturday the 10th of September, 2016 at the prestigious Harvard University campus, Boston, USA.
This is going to be a day long session that would commence at 8 am and end at 5.30 pm..
In this workshop, Sriram Sir will be speaking on the globe’s most intricate topic, ‘Ego’ and would provide enlightening answers to many complicated questions on Ego that have been tormenting the human mind ever since life had begun on Earth.
Why To Attend This Workshop
This workshop will help attendees hone their emotional quotient (EQ) to better manage internal emotions and external interactions for an effective collaboration, communication and teamwork.
Ego, as we all know, is an inseparable and perpetual companion of every conscious being.. Yet, we often call ego despicable.. Seated at the epicenter of our consciousness, ego shapes our intentions, drives our actions, and plays on our feelings, good or bad..
Though universal, ego manifests in different levels, forms, and temperaments.. An unchecked ego is a dictator who could land us in troubles.. In contrast, a tamed ego is a friend who could foster our well being and social coexistence.
The present workshop, Eye on I, discusses why we ought to and how we can cultivate ego to attain happiness and avert self-inflicted suffering.. The underlying message is “educate but not eradicate ego.”
Drawing inspiration from nature and its principles, Sriram Sir delves into the subject of ego with engaging real life examples to offer us fresh insights for a joyful living in synergy with our domesticated companion, I.
Who Can Attend This Workshop
This day-long workshop is appropriate for anyone who is looking for a transformative change for happy living.. It benefits a wide range of audience including teenagers, parents, working professionals, and also wisdom seekers.
The Following Are The Topics
On ego on which Sriram Sir would be speaking during the day long workshop at the Harvard University campus.
- Introducing ego.
- Defining ego.
- Ego from the perspective of psychoanalysis.
- Present day layman’s definition of ego.
- Why should we keep an Eye on I
- Domestication of ego
- An action plan to prevent the re-growth of ego.
After reading my story on Sriram Sir, many readers from America have mailed me saying, “we wouldn’t mind coming to India for a week if you hold a meeting of Sriram Sir in your city of Hyderabad.. We just want to have His darsan..”
Now, my beloved readers of America, here’s your once in a lifetime chance not only to have the darsan of Sriram Sir but also to listen to Him speaking on a great topic like ‘Ego’.
Schedule Of The Workshop
This whole workshop at the Harvard University Campus is divided into two sessions.. A pre-lunch session and a post-lunch session.. The pre-lunch session will have two Tea breaks of fifteen minutes each, after every seventy five minutes; the post-lunch session will have three Tea breaks of fifteen minutes each, after every seventy five minutes.
Additionally, there will also be a Lunch break for one hour.. Finally, the workshop will conclude with an interactive session of one hour during which period the participants may pose a few questions to Sriram Sir that are relevant to the topic of the day, ’Ego’.
Now, before enrolling your name for the workshop,
Please Note These Two Vital Points
Sriram Sir is on a busy tour of U S, with a pretty tight schedule, and would immediately be leaving the Harvard University Campus, after the conclusion of the workshop, to another city of America on some other important program.. Therefore, the workshop shall begin and end on dot, so make sure you are all in your seats much in advance.
Secondly, although you may have a chance to shake your hand with Sriram Sir and introduce yourself, either during the Tea break or Lunch break, you will have to remember that you cannot have a personal discussion with Him.. If you have any such intention, please stay away and do not even apply for registration now.
Other Important Details Of The Workshop
Fee For attending The Workshop : $150 per person (Includes the registration fees, Tea and Lunch)
Venue Of The Workshop : Harvard University, Graduate School of Education, Longfellow Hall – Askwith Hall, 13 Appian Way, Cambridge, MA 02138
Registrations have already begun for this workshop and if you are interested in attending it, please note these
Contact Details
Phone: +1 508-474-3664
Please click on the following link for more details and online registration process
Sriram Sir also told me about a couple of informal meetings in Chicago and California which would be held, may be, for a couple of hours over a cup of Tea in a good restaurant..
However, I don’t have the details of these meetings and Sir said He would provide them at a later date.. All He told me was, “these informal meetings will be held in the month of August, 2016”.
Now Here Are The All Important Updates For My Indian Readers
It all happened like another miracle of Sriram Sir for me on the evening of Wednesday, the 20th of July, 2016 when Sir called me on my mobile and discussed about various topics.. It was during that conversation, He told me about this workshop in Harvard campus..
Later, I requested for His personal audience which He kindly granted me on the morning of Saturday, the 23rd of July, 2016.. I had an elaborate personal discussion with Him for about forty five minutes during which time I very hesitantly placed before Him two of my long cherishing wishes.
The First One : Firstly, I told Him about my book, “God On Call”, which am currently writing on the miracles of Lord Venkateswara, and requested Him to give me time anywhere between October and December of 2016 to hold a one day meeting in Hyderabad exclusively for the readers of
After knowing a few details from me about what would be the agenda of the meeting in Hyderabad, He finally nodded His head saying,
“Aditya, I shall certainly give you time for this meeting to meet your readers but I will only be able to tell you about the date after I return from U S in the end of October.. You can plan your meeting some time in November, 2016..”.. BLESSED
The Second One : This is by far the biggest wish of my life.. Therefore, I was really nervous while placing it before Sriram Sir, because many people have placed a similar request before Him and were rejected.. Therefore with a shrill in my tone I asked Him,
“Sir.. I do not know how to ask You but I know I have to ask you at least now.. Because if not now I may never have the courage to ask you in future as well..”
As though He knows what am going to ask, Sir were looking at me with great smiles not on His lips but in His divine eyes..
I said, “Sir, I wish to write a book on you and your life.. A few people may have written about You in the past but they were only confined to a few readers like me and were also more or less to private circulation among us.. But I want to write a comprehensive book on Your life which I wish the whole world reads.. ”
For a few seconds, Sriram Sir quietly looked at me and then asked me, “What do you want to write..??.. “.. With much more strength in my voice, I explained Him what all I have in my mind.. He then asked me, “what title you propose to give to this book”,
With great joy this time in my voice I said, “The Man Who Is Seeing Your Tomorrow”.. Sir gently smiled first and then shaking my hands in approval of my wish, said, “All the best Aditya..”
I felt like dancing like a school boy and run all over the large Walden Book Shop in the Begumpet area of Hyderabad, where we both met.. But my age and my modesty had forbidden me from dancing so..
Finally, I Placed Before My Beloved Sriram Sir,

The biggest ever wish of my life that is much bigger than my above mentioned wish.. After Sir kindly granted me the approval to my wish of writing a book on His life, I finally prayed to Him, with tears in my eyes, and said,
“Sir, as you have also said, there are many people following and appreciating my writing today.. This number is increasing with every passing day.. Reading so many mails full of compliments, I just bend my head and offer my thanks to Lord Sri Venkateswara for giving me an opportunity to write about Him this way..
I always think that He is the Designer and am His tool and only He is writing through me.. Sir, but am afraid I may grow arrogant in future and may start thinking that am writing all these stories and books..
But please Sir.. I beg You.. Never allow even a shade of such arrogance enter my mind and please keep me always humble like this all through my life.. I just want to remain a humble servant to Him forever.. Please Sir..”
Holding both my hands, Sriram Sir comforted me saying, “you have been chosen by Him to do all this writing, Aditya.. See how many lives are today being influenced by your writing.. Do you think you have planned all this..??..
He wanted you to do this job for Him and you are doing it.. That’s all.. So leave everything to Him forever and move forward in your life with smiles.. All the best..”..
What can I say when my beloved Sriram Sir – the divine reincarnation of Lord Sri Krishna and Lord Sri Venkateswara – tells me to be fearless.. I just remained FROZEN and SPEECHLESS..
“Be proud of yourself; be proud of creation around you.. Derive joy from yourself and from creation.. Creation and Creator dissolve into each other… Let your life be an unending delightful dance of divinity.. Then to miss God becomes more difficult than to find Him” – Sriram Sir
Narrenaditya Komaragiri
To know more about the author please click here